According to best-selling author Regina Brett, "Summer is the annual permission slip to be lazy. To do nothing and have it count for something. To lie in the grass and count the stars. To sit on a branch and study the clouds." You wish! That might happen on the weekend—if you're lucky—but Monday to Friday, there's still plenty of work to do at the office. Here are some … [Read more...] about To-Dos: Your July office checklist
Working with lawyers
Flex-retirement: A win-win strategy for employee retention
Employee retention is not only a cost-effective strategy, but it also helps maintain institutional knowledge and ensures a smoother transition when team members retire. One innovative approach that can facilitate this transition and keep experienced staff on board is "flex-retirement." What Is Flex-Retirement? Flex-retirement, also known as flexible retirement, is a workplace … [Read more...] about Flex-retirement: A win-win strategy for employee retention
Model Policy: Office Room Temperature
The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for maintaining a comfortable and productive work environment for all staff and clients by regulating the temperature in the law office. By implementing this office temperature policy, the law office aims to maintain a comfortable and productive work environment for all staff and clients. Consistent communication, … [Read more...] about Model Policy: Office Room Temperature
How and when to ask a client for a referral
A new client should be a planned event, not an accident. And the most productive way to get a continuing stream of planned events is to follow an established process for generating referrals. Referrals are the highest producing form of marketing. In fact studies have shown that as many as seven out of 10 referrals turn into new clients. By contrast, cold calls for … [Read more...] about How and when to ask a client for a referral
To-Dos: Your May office checklist
It can be difficult to focus on work this month. May is when many of us come down with spring fever, yearning to get outside in the garden or the golf course. So this month's checklist is a nice balance of business and pleasure. 1. Start planning coverages for summer vacations. Many firms do not use temporary legal assistants or secretaries anymore. With stepped up … [Read more...] about To-Dos: Your May office checklist
5 basics to get you started on succession planning
By Brenda Barnes From solo practitioners to attorneys in large firms, all attorneys must prepare for the days they are no longer able to practice law. Succession planning proactively protects clients and colleagues in the event of an attorney’s death or incapacitation. Only four states require private practice attorneys to plan for an end-of-career transition by … [Read more...] about 5 basics to get you started on succession planning
Enforce those billing and collection guidelines
Getting paid or not getting paid to a great extent depends on the firm’s billing and collection guidelines—and whether they are enforced. Without guidelines, the firm is asking for money loss. Billing is haphazard, collection work isn’t done regularly, personal clients aren’t always satisfied with their bills, and corporate clients may hold up payment or contest the … [Read more...] about Enforce those billing and collection guidelines
9 tips for getting your lawyers onto the speaking circuit
One effective way to showcase your firm's expertise, build brand recognition, and enhance professional development is by encouraging your lawyers to participate in conferences and web events as speakers. By leveraging these platforms, your attorneys can make a significant impact, both individually and collectively. Consider these benefits that arise from encouraging your … [Read more...] about 9 tips for getting your lawyers onto the speaking circuit
Nurturing talent: Unleashing the potential of employees
Retaining top talent is crucial for the success of any law office. To do so, law office managers must recognize the importance of developing and empowering high-potential employees. By identifying these individuals and providing them with leadership opportunities, you can not only increase their job satisfaction but also enhance the overall performance and growth of your law … [Read more...] about Nurturing talent: Unleashing the potential of employees
To-Dos: Your March office checklist
March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. That's outside, where winter storms give way to springtime calm. Inside, there can also be a whirlwind of activity, especially if you're tackling office-wide organizational and spring-cleaning projects. If this is the month you strive to bring order to the firm, here are some tasks you can tackle. The office: 1. … [Read more...] about To-Dos: Your March office checklist