By Doug Striker bio I keep hearing from my IT and trainer friends at law firms, who tell me that their attorneys are really digging this work-from-home change. Of course, this shift also demands that attorneys work more independently, which is pushing their (often lax) tech skills to the limits. Enter remote training and learning Remote training gives your law firm the power … [Read more...] about How to implement remote learning in your law office
Take advantage of case management software benefits
By Elizabeth Miller bio Case management software is now so popular in law firms that it is rare to hear of a firm that does not have it. The problem is that even though firms have the software, they don’t take advantage of all the benefits. Managing incoming leads and cases Give your law firm an advantage over other firms by providing potential clients with an exceptional … [Read more...] about Take advantage of case management software benefits
Is COVID-19 ringing the death knell for on-premises servers?
By Doug Striker bio Back in the bucolic day of early January 2020, Aderant published an article predicting that more law firms would begin moving out of their on-premises servers to the cloud. Man, I wish we knew how many firms did that in March and April 2020 alone! When COVID-19 hit and we were all forced, en masse, to exit the building and head home, many firms left their … [Read more...] about Is COVID-19 ringing the death knell for on-premises servers?
Silver linings for legal industry in COVID-19 crisis
By Doug Striker bio It would be tragic if nothing good came out of this worldwide pandemic. Yes, it is easy to focus on the terrible, awful things that are happening on a global scale and even in our own neighborhoods and families. But at the same time, we simply must also recognize that good things are developing out of this tragic, exceedingly difficult experience. I … [Read more...] about Silver linings for legal industry in COVID-19 crisis
Proof of tech skills: Everybody’s doing it!
By Jay Stromberg bio When it comes to professional upward mobility, it’s looking like assessments are where it’s at. According to a recent article in, even LinkedIn is getting into the assessment game. “LinkedIn, the social networking service for the working world, is today taking the wraps off its latest effort to provide its users with better tools for … [Read more...] about Proof of tech skills: Everybody’s doing it!
“I thought you had the baby!” “I thought YOU did!”
By Jay Stromberg bio Sorry about my alarming headline, but I thought it was the perfect analogy for a topic I want to discuss today. If you’re a parent, you have likely experienced this terrifying moment: You and your spouse look at each other and realize that you both assumed the other one was in charge of the kid(s). A mad scramble ensues and, hopefully, your cherub is … [Read more...] about “I thought you had the baby!” “I thought YOU did!”
How and why you need to carefully screen cold calls from potential new clients
What's your firm's process for dealing with a potential new client? What happens when someone sends the firm an email asking for a quote for a real estate transaction or when a frantic caller leaves a long, detailed voice mail message about why she wasn't to blame for the fatal car crash being covered on the morning news? Who takes the call? How are calls prioritized? And is … [Read more...] about How and why you need to carefully screen cold calls from potential new clients
10 ways managers are improving their law firms
Ah, the woes of running a law office. You know them well: Reams of reports, scheduling squabbles, technology tangles, and so much more. It takes a lot of skill, patience, and strategy to make a law office run smoothly—plus a little bit of help from others who know your pain. That must be why the Reader Tips section of our website is so popular. It contains dozens of solutions … [Read more...] about 10 ways managers are improving their law firms
Redesign the office to keep up with industry and technology changes
Take a look around your workplace. Does it reflect the traditional image of a law firm—a somber place of serious business with an abundant supply of mahogany furniture and thick, intimidating books? Is there a field of empty workstations once filled by staff members now long gone? Is it cluttered? Is it sterile? Is it pleasing to the eye? Is it time for a change? The … [Read more...] about Redesign the office to keep up with industry and technology changes
Surveys find employees are shopping at work on Cyber Monday, but most will try to hide it
Take a look around at your office right now. Are your colleagues actually banging out a report or are they bargain hunting? According to a survey of North American workers by staffing firm Robert Half Technology, there's a good chance it's the latter. Nearly half (49 percent) of respondents said they typically shop while in the office on Cyber Monday. And bosses may be the … [Read more...] about Surveys find employees are shopping at work on Cyber Monday, but most will try to hide it