Why you need this model tool: No firm can support even an excellent attorney who isn't profitable. Superb skills alone are not enough. Each attorney has to bring in a profit, and the numbers show in plain dollars and cents what profit each attorney is producing. How this model tool helps you: This simple chart tracks the monthly and yearly profitability of each … [Read more...] about Model Tool: Monthly Attorney Report
Why you should consider automating your client screening process
What's your firm's process for dealing with a potential new client? While large law firms may have sophisticated systems of vetting potential new clients that include detailed conflict of interest searches and approval committees, Edie Zimmerman of Legal Software Solutions, suggests your consider automating your screening process. "Some practice management databases allow the … [Read more...] about Why you should consider automating your client screening process
Dealing with workplace accusations? It’s time to investigate
By Steve M. Cohen bio In dealing with your office staff, allegations of wrongdoing are never something you can ignore. Whether the charge involves sexual or racial harassment, bullying or something else, they must never be ignored. Never. Remember, an allegation by itself is neither fact nor fiction. It is simply a statement made by someone within your … [Read more...] about Dealing with workplace accusations? It’s time to investigate
FLSA continues to be a potential pitfall for many organizations
By Steve M. Cohen bio In the rush of managing an office, it's easy to overlook significant pitfalls that can cause major problems. One of these pitfalls is the Fair Labor Standards Act, an area that managers and partners often overlook until they face a problem. I strongly suggest using caution to avoid problems and penalties. Until a few years ago, the law's … [Read more...] about FLSA continues to be a potential pitfall for many organizations
Four records management errors that can get your firm into trouble
Managing the firm's business and personnel records goes beyond setting a simple timeline for record retention. Time is only part of the picture, says records management professional Diane K. Carlisle, CRM. Where most offices fail is not in missing the timelines but in mismanaging the records. Here she sets out elements of record management that administrators need to be aware … [Read more...] about Four records management errors that can get your firm into trouble
Model Tool: New matter intake form
Why you need this form: Before accepting a new matter from an existing client, you should obtain as much information about the new case as possible. This process, known as "case screening," can help you avoid many potential problems. How this form helps you: The New Matter Intake Form will not only help you quickly identify whether or not the subject matter is within your area … [Read more...] about Model Tool: New matter intake form
Model Tool: New client intake form
Why you need this form: Before accepting a client, you should obtain as much information about both the client and the subject matter as possible. This process, known as "client screening" can help you avoid many potential problems. How this form helps you: The New Client Intake Form will not only help you quickly identify whether or not the subject matter is within your area … [Read more...] about Model Tool: New client intake form
Model Policy: Client file retention and destruction
Why you need this policy: One of the thorniest challenges of managing a law office is the handling of client files. It's not just an administrative issue. Retention and destruction of client files are subject to legal and ethical requirements, including the ABA Rules of Professional Conduct. How this policy helps you: It's crucial to establish a written policy that explains how … [Read more...] about Model Policy: Client file retention and destruction
How long should you keep client and practice records?
A lot of questions come up about the most basic elements of maintaining and destroying client records. And that's because to many of those questions "there's no hard and fast answer," says Washington, DC, attorney and record management consultant Teresa Schoch is also a past member of the Michigan Bar Association's ethics committee. Here are seven such issues. The 10-year … [Read more...] about How long should you keep client and practice records?
Keeping the records long enough . . . but not too long
Do you know how long you are required to keep the firm’s tax records? How about any reports of on-the-job injuries? And what about e-mails? Here’s a summary of what you need to keep and for how long. Record retention raises questions in almost all offices. And because of the uncertainty, offices tend to hang onto records far too long, says attorney and record management … [Read more...] about Keeping the records long enough . . . but not too long