A merger can bring in more clients, give the firm a presence in a new geographic area, and add depth to an existing practice area. It can also be the downfall for the merging parties, says Allan Hodgart, a strategic development advisor and managing director in the London office of Huron, an international management consulting organization. To be successful, both parties need … [Read more...] about Donʼt get into a merger without smoothing out these rough spots
Managing the office
The surprising answer to what your staff really wants
Flexible work arrangements are often at or near the top of survey lists. And yes, money matters. But, perhaps surprising, career development also gets top rankings. Employees want to acquire knowledge and learn new skills in order to do their jobs and advance their careers. What's more, development opportunities play an important role in keeping staff members – and … [Read more...] about The surprising answer to what your staff really wants
When an employee has body odor
Q: I don't know how to say this delicately, so I'll get right to the point. A staffer at our practice has terrible body odor. Her B.O. is so bad that several other staffers have approached me, saying they don't want to work with her. Also, they have asked me to do something about the situation. I'm usually good at counseling employees, but this particular problem has me … [Read more...] about When an employee has body odor
Want to improve attorney tech use? Start by breaking down silos in your firm
By Michelle Spencer bio I have long wondered why there are two different teams in law firms doing similar functions. I am referring to the professional development and technology training teams. Both of the teams perform learning and development functions, and yet they are usually in two different departments that work alone, except in rare instances. They … [Read more...] about Want to improve attorney tech use? Start by breaking down silos in your firm
Start off staff’s year by putting the focus on professional growth
A good way to start off a year is with a professional development plan for each staffer. And call it such, says Richard Lepsinger, president of OnPoint Consulting in New York. It's not a vehicle for recognizing shortcomings in a staffer's performance that have to be improved. Instead, it's a discussion of capabilities, strengths, and weaknesses and how to grow during the … [Read more...] about Start off staff’s year by putting the focus on professional growth
How to stage your office for improved productivity
Is clutter slowing down productivity in your office? Clutter is a major distraction and eats up time, says Pat Heydlauff of Energy Design, a productive-focused environment company. "Nobody can concentrate or work efficiently amidst disorganization," she says, pointing out that getting rid of office clutter can significantly improve the atmosphere and speed up the work flow. … [Read more...] about How to stage your office for improved productivity
Improve your client relationships with these 4 unbendable telephone rules
Whoʼs calling? Oh, itʼs you. Sorry, heʼs not in. The ubiquitous complaint about lawyers is that they never seem be available when a client calls, often don't return calls on time, and sometimes don't return them at all. That habit is so common and so irritating to clients that the rare attorney who does have good phone skills "makes the million-dollar roundtable very … [Read more...] about Improve your client relationships with these 4 unbendable telephone rules
4 steps to planning for a successful 2019
Don't go into 2019 without setting goals for the year. "Goals force the firm to stretch out and do more than just plod along in a disorganized fashion," says Wayne, PA, law firm consultant Robert Denney. "They improve efficiency and performance, and they help the attorneys achieve the highest bottom-line results possible." To set goals, Denney recommends a simple but direct … [Read more...] about 4 steps to planning for a successful 2019
How to protect your client data while complying with PCI anti-fraud measures
What would you do if you were asked to install monitoring software on your network? Gary Allen Gardner of Rosi & Gardner, P.C. in Traverse City, Michigan, shares how he resolved a recent troubling request his firm received. We were contacted by our credit card processing company, regarding "PCI Compliance" (Payment Card Industry). By email and subsequent list of … [Read more...] about How to protect your client data while complying with PCI anti-fraud measures
How secure is your password? Are you sure?
Think your password is secure? You may need to think again. People's perceptions of password strength may not always match reality, says a recent study by CyLab, Carnegie Mellon's Security and Privacy Institute. For example, study participants expected ieatkale88 to be roughly as secure as iloveyou88; one said "both are a combination of dictionary words and are appended by … [Read more...] about How secure is your password? Are you sure?