Law office management can be a stressful occupation as it involves financial and compliance responsibilities and balancing the needs of partners, associates, staff and clients in a fast-paced environment. Here are some tips for law office administrators on why they might suffer burnout, how to recognize it, and what they can do to prevent and deal with it. Understand the … [Read more...] about Learn to recognize and avoid burnout
Your career
7 classic tips for work-life balance
The line between work life and personal life is more blurred than ever for today’s office manager. But you need be able to turn off work and focus on family and other responsibilities, as well as recreation and taking care of your own well-being. Here are seven tips—classic but still valuable—for reclaiming your life beyond work. Set boundaries: It’s important to set clear … [Read more...] about 7 classic tips for work-life balance
Get to work on time if you expect others to be punctual
As an office manager, your job requires you to be punctual and reliable. You are the person your team looks up to for guidance and direction, and being on time sets the right example. If you find yourself constantly running late for work, it can impact not only your productivity but also that of your entire team. So, here are a few tips to help you get to work on time. Plan … [Read more...] about Get to work on time if you expect others to be punctual
Everybody needs a break from work
As a law office manager, you understand the importance of keeping your staff productive and efficient. However, it's also important to recognize the role that breaks play in achieving these goals. For both you and your staff, it's tempting to continue powering through day after day without taking scheduled breaks and lunch periods. In this article, we'll discuss the importance … [Read more...] about Everybody needs a break from work
6 tips for remembering names
It’s easy to remember a client's name when you have their appointment details or case file open in front of you. It’s a lot harder when you meet someone away from these paper or electronic prompts. People like to be recognized and remembered. In the office, it’s reassuring for your clients. In other settings, remembering names can help you connect and network with people. In … [Read more...] about 6 tips for remembering names
Valentine’s Day a chance to show appreciation at work
Valentine’s Day, coming up on Feb. 14, is often focused on a celebration of romantic love. It can also be a day to express affection and appreciation for others, and it is a great opportunity to show kindness and generosity at the office. Here are some ways that you can encourage acts of kindness at your workplace on Valentine’s Day: Write notes of appreciation: Take a … [Read more...] about Valentine’s Day a chance to show appreciation at work
‘It was just a joke’: Jokes and social media posts gone wrong
By Lynne Curry Question: During the Christmas holidays, I attended a social event where my wife and I told a series of jokes to and about each other. Several others at our table were equally rowdy, and everyone enjoyed our jokes. While I knew individuals at other tables were watching the fun we were having, I didn’t realize one of them was recording us. The recording … [Read more...] about ‘It was just a joke’: Jokes and social media posts gone wrong
5 ways to improve your job search
It doesn’t hurt to have a plan in case you find yourself looking for a new job. Although the demand for skilled talent remains strong, professionals need to be increasingly strategic and intentional when making career moves, says David King, a senior managing director with Robert Half, a global talent solutions and business consulting firm. “Workers should make a point of … [Read more...] about 5 ways to improve your job search
Do you just open your mouth and let the words fly?
By Lynne Curry When you’re upset with another person, do you open your mouth and let your emotions erupt and words fly? If you want to resolve an interpersonal conflict, you can’t afford to blast the other person. While you may feel vindicated, you risk the other person attacking back, getting defensive or shutting down If you want things to become better and not worse … [Read more...] about Do you just open your mouth and let the words fly?
Get a grip on costly office gossip
By Dr. Steve M. Cohen No matter how distracting, office gossip is something that no manager will ever completely eradicate. Like other human foibles, it’s too ingrained in our systems. That doesn’t mean you should ignore it or let it dominate your workplace. Office gossip is increasingly dangerous to many workplaces, including medical offices. It’s not that people do it … [Read more...] about Get a grip on costly office gossip