While not an OSHA obligation, it’s highly advisable to take measures to protect the health and safety of telecommuting office employees who work from home. How? By having employees seeking approval to telecommute designate a room or area as their home workspace and arranging for somebody to perform a hazard assessment inspection to verify that the workspace is safe, healthy and … [Read more...] about Telecommuter home office hazard assessment & inspection checklist
Workplace Safety
Are employers responsible/liable for an employee’s home ergonomics, safety and expenses?
By Lynne Curry bio Question: COVID-19 has caused employers large and small to require the employers work from home rather than their employer’s worksites. Word has it that this may continue beyond weeks and months and become the new normal. What is my employer’s responsibility/liability for workplace ergonomics and safety when my home becomes my workplace? Do they need to … [Read more...] about Are employers responsible/liable for an employee’s home ergonomics, safety and expenses?
Model mandatory face mask policy
More than 20 states have enacted laws requiring the use of face masks or coverings in indoor public places. Here’s a Model Policy incorporating current legal requirements and public health guidance that you can adapt for your own lab. … [Read more...] about Model mandatory face mask policy
Coworker exposed all of us to COVID-19
By Lynne Curry bio Question For weeks, “Carolyn” told the five of us in our department that she had allergies whenever any of us asked her about her sneezing. She worked with us in the same building, used the same copier, restroom and office fridge and handled the same coffeepot. I tried to avoid her because she kept forgetting her mask and didn’t seem to understand what six … [Read more...] about Coworker exposed all of us to COVID-19
Use contact logging to ensure law office employees practice social distancing
Managing a law office compliance program in the age of COVID-19 poses new and unprecedented challenges. One of the biggest and most important is ensuring that employees and the persons they interact with on the job follow social distancing requirements. To succeed in this effort, you must have the capability to track actual encounters. One possibility is digital technology, the … [Read more...] about Use contact logging to ensure law office employees practice social distancing
Feds say insurers not required to pay for employer return to work COVID-19 testing
Since the public health emergency began, the US government has taken the position that insurers shouldn’t be allowed to make consumers pay for COVID-19 lab tests. But now comes news that insurers will not be put in that same position with regard to return to work screening conducted on employees by their employers. FFCRA rules for COVID-19 test payment The key piece of … [Read more...] about Feds say insurers not required to pay for employer return to work COVID-19 testing
Tool: Model COVID-19 Medical Screening Policy
Regulators have made it clear that given the unique circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic, employers may implement pre-screening measures to ensure that people who have or may have the virus don’t get into work and spread it to others. But limits still apply and you can get into a lot of trouble if you don’t follow them. Here’s a Model Policy your firm can adapt that provides … [Read more...] about Tool: Model COVID-19 Medical Screening Policy
How to create a legally sound COVID-19 medical screening policy
Like so many other law offices during the coronavirus pandemic, you may be considering medically screening your employees each day before letting them into the workplace. While screening is highly problematic in normal times, regulators have grudgingly acknowledged that it may be a justified health and safety measure during the pandemic. The operative phrase is “may be,” which … [Read more...] about How to create a legally sound COVID-19 medical screening policy
What you need to know when a bully takes you on
By Lynne Curry bio You've met bullies who play a win/lose game, even as you aim for a win/win solution. Guess who loses when they take you on? You do. Would you like to win, or at least not lose? Here's what you need to know: Fail the bully's test We believe or like to believe the best of everyone. When a bully first tests us with a demeaning slam, we often think … [Read more...] about What you need to know when a bully takes you on
Is your office prepared to accommodate an aging population?
Talk of an aging population isn't idle chatter. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 2030 will mark a significant turning point in the nation's history. By then, all baby boomers will be older than 65. This means that one in every five residents will be retirement age. An aging population presents challenges from the standpoint of serving clients. Is your practice prepared? … [Read more...] about Is your office prepared to accommodate an aging population?