By Lynne Curry “It’s not the difficult conversations that bite you the hardest,” I told the manager. “It’s the ones you put off until too late.” I listened to the manager’s reasons and told him, “Here are the risks you take. You dread telling ‘Robert’ what and how he needs to improve because he lashes out at you and remains sullen for days after you’ve counseled him. You … [Read more...] about Don’t delay if you have to deliver bad news
Workplace Safety
Model Policy: Nondiscrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy and Complaint Procedure
This model policy establishes guidelines and procedures to help you ensure that all employees can work in an environment free from unlawful harassment, discrimination and retaliation. … [Read more...] about Model Policy: Nondiscrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy and Complaint Procedure
Must love dogs, cats, birds, fish, reptiles…
By Lynne Curry Question: When we surveyed our employees last month, we asked them what we could do to make them happier about returning to our company’s worksite. Many of their answers surprised us. The biggest surprise—many employees want to bring their pets to work with them. We’ve discussed this among the management team and have decided to allow pets but want to … [Read more...] about Must love dogs, cats, birds, fish, reptiles…
Tame those office temperature tantrums!
Disputes over office temperature are relatively common among office staff. According to a study conducted by the International Facility Management Association, more than 50% of office workers report being unhappy with the temperature in their workplace. This dissatisfaction can lead to heated disputes or chilly relations among office staff, as people have different preferences … [Read more...] about Tame those office temperature tantrums!
Are you considering a pet-friendly office?
The working world is accustomed to seeing everyone's pets on video meetings. And some physical offices also allow pets on the premises. Pets in the office workplace can be a controversial topic, as they may be seen as either a positive or negative influence on productivity and the work environment. Here are a few points to consider when it comes to pets in the … [Read more...] about Are you considering a pet-friendly office?
10 tips for winter safety in your office parking lot
As extreme winter conditions continue in many parts of the country, remember to have your office parking lot maintained for the safety of your employees and clients. Here are some tips for promoting safety in your office parking lot this winter and being better prepared for future winters: Clear the parking lot of snow and ice regularly to improve traction and reduce the … [Read more...] about 10 tips for winter safety in your office parking lot
Are there guns in your workplace?
By Lynne Curry If you think the national division over guns hasn’t hit your workplace, you haven’t been listening. Not only are the employees who advocate for increased gun control, including a ban on assault-style rifles like the AR-15, engaged in an active argument with those who argue for fewer restrictions on gun owners’ ability to carry concealed firearms—but some of … [Read more...] about Are there guns in your workplace?
Signs of potential disaster were present at Walmart—Are they at your workplace?
By Lynne Curry There were signs of potential disaster that later erupted in six deaths when Walmart supervisor Andre Bing shot and killed six coworkers in November. There always are. Four decades of investigating violent workplace incidents have convinced me of this. “I didn’t want to say anything,” someone always says, “but….” “That was just ‘Jon,’ but we all sort … [Read more...] about Signs of potential disaster were present at Walmart—Are they at your workplace?
7 strategies for firing without backfiring
By Lynne Curry The final revenge of the difficult, fired employee. You’ve hesitated to fire him, you’ve given him chance after chance, but he’s not getting better. In fact, he’s getting worse, and so is the situation. You owe it to your other employees, who consider this employee toxic or carry his shirked workload burden, to bless this employee out the … [Read more...] about 7 strategies for firing without backfiring
The dreaded “you’re fired” interview
By Lynne Curry You dread what you’re about to do. Even though your employee deserves to be fired, you hate firing anyone. You also fear the damage a fired employee can create with false wrongful termination allegations. If you’d to fire without backfiring and in a way that leaves the fired employee with dignity, here’s what you need to know. Do your job right Have you … [Read more...] about The dreaded “you’re fired” interview