Why you need this policy: As with any other corporate website, law office websites collect and use personal information of site visitors, including "personally identifiable" information, i.e., names and other information that can be traced back to a specific individual. Such use and collection of personal information is subject to requirements under privacy laws. How this … [Read more...] about Model Tool: Client privacy policy
Risk management
Model Tool: Calendar control self-review checklist
Why you need this checklist: Failure to meet a deadline, such as a statute of limitations, and other related calendaring issues continue to be the cause of the majority of legal malpractice claims in the United States. Yet despite this risk, many law firms still do not have a proper calendaring system in place. How this checklist helps you: This checklist will help you … [Read more...] about Model Tool: Calendar control self-review checklist
Just common sense can ward off disciplinary and malpractice actions
Any attorney's career can be ruined for failure to follow the simplest rules of communication and ethics, says Allison L. Wood, principal of Legal Ethics Consulting, a Chicago company that counsels firms on avoiding disciplinary and malpractice issues. Wood was formerly a prosecutor in attorney disciplinary matters, and she has seen first-hand attorneys "in the tragic position … [Read more...] about Just common sense can ward off disciplinary and malpractice actions
Critical Mass—Not Just for Physics Anymore
By Steve M. Cohen bio While most of us have a limited understanding of physics, we have an idea of what "critical mass" means. But just in case you need a refresher: When you reach a sufficient and/or necessary level of something to effect something else, you have critical mass. For our purposes, forget the physical aspect and think about your organization. Do you … [Read more...] about Critical Mass—Not Just for Physics Anymore
Workplace violence: A 10-step prevention and liability management plan
You don't need us to tell you that violence in the workplace has become a major societal problem. You probably also recognize that taking steps to keep violence out of your own workplace is not only a moral but a legal imperative. But what you may not know is exactly how to go about preventing workplace violence. And that's why we created this 10-step plan for you (as well as a … [Read more...] about Workplace violence: A 10-step prevention and liability management plan
5 ways your firm can be liable for workplace violence
Failure to prevent an act of violence from occurring at your workplace can result in your law firm being held liable under one or more of the following five laws: 1. U.S. OSHA The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) doesn't have a specific regulation or "standard" for workplace violence the way it does for other workplace hazards like chemicals, … [Read more...] about 5 ways your firm can be liable for workplace violence
Model Policy: Workplace violence statement
Why you need this policy: Although not specifically required by OSHA, Best Practices and unofficial OSHA guidance suggests that employers develop a written program to prevent workplace violence that includes, among other things, a written statement from management expressing the organization's policy on workplace violence. How this policy helps you: Although it requires … [Read more...] about Model Policy: Workplace violence statement
Predatory behavior: Watch for it in your office
By Steve M. Cohen bio I've mentioned before that behavior can be grouped into three categories. 1. Overt behavior is behavior on a plan. A person decides he or she is going to do something and then does it. Setting an alarm and getting to work on time is overt behavior. 2. Inadvertent behavior could be described as autopilot behavior. It is … [Read more...] about Predatory behavior: Watch for it in your office
Use a standard calendar entry format firm-wide
Once you've established a policy that all calendar events are to be entered into your centralized calendar system, go one step further and create a standard entry format. After all, there's no point having a calendar that everyone can access if only a handful of people can understand the entries. Here's one format you can implement: [Professional's initials] – [Case]: [Manner … [Read more...] about Use a standard calendar entry format firm-wide
Model Tool: Checklist of docket entries
Why you need this checklist: Failure to meet a deadline, such as a statute of limitations, and other related calendaring issues continue to be the cause of the majority of legal malpractice claims in the United States. How this checklist helps you: By following a checklist, you can ensure that all important legal deadlines associated with a file, and their reminder dates, … [Read more...] about Model Tool: Checklist of docket entries