SITUATION Fully recovered from his bout with COVID-19, Max is thrilled and excited to return to his custodian job after 14 days of mandatory home isolation. But almost immediately, he senses that something is wrong. His co-workers shun him and leave the room the moment he enters. And, while hygiene and handwashing are de rigueur for all maintenance staff, Max alone is required … [Read more...] about Office’s duty to protect returning employees from COVID-19 discrimination and harassment
New COVID-19 guidance for you from EEOC
By Mike O’Brien bio The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) recently updated its COVID-19 guidance page, addressing a number of issues. Here are some of them: On coronavirus testing, the EEOC said general testing administered by employers consistent with current CDC guidance will meet the ADA’s “business necessity” standard, and noted that employers should ensure … [Read more...] about New COVID-19 guidance for you from EEOC
5 questions on the virus and your law office
By Lynne Curry bio 1 Pushback from employees who choose to stay on unemployment Question: We didn’t expect the pushback we got from two of our furloughed employees when we called them back to work, particularly as we allow employees to work from home part of the workweek if their work can be accomplished remotely. One ignored two “return to work” emails but responded to a … [Read more...] about 5 questions on the virus and your law office
Now is the time to train for technology
By Doug Striker bio I think it’s safe to say that the legal industry is not the most “agile” profession in the marketplace. The law actually breeds the opposite of agility. We tend to reward slow processes, long research endeavors, decisions-by-committee, slow turning of the ship to accommodate changes. So, it is no surprise that the rapid changes demanded by COVID-19 … [Read more...] about Now is the time to train for technology
Telecommuter home office hazard assessment & inspection checklist
While not an OSHA obligation, it’s highly advisable to take measures to protect the health and safety of telecommuting office employees who work from home. How? By having employees seeking approval to telecommute designate a room or area as their home workspace and arranging for somebody to perform a hazard assessment inspection to verify that the workspace is safe, healthy and … [Read more...] about Telecommuter home office hazard assessment & inspection checklist
COVID, opioids and payroll taxes on HR radar
By Mike O’Brien bio Applicants, testing, and screening The EEOC has said you cannot test applicants for COVID-19 until after a conditional job offer. Fine, makes sense. What about taking temperatures? You can take a temperature of visitors to your business/office to make sure they are not bringing COVID-19 with them. In fact, you may have an OSHA duty to do so to protect your … [Read more...] about COVID, opioids and payroll taxes on HR radar
Can racial discrimination be proven with circumstantial evidence alone?
SITUATION An equipment repair technician who also happens to be the office’s only African American employee endures racial abuse at the hands of his supervisor and co-workers. He complains to management and is warned to “stay in his lane.” Shortly thereafter, somebody leaves a noose on his desk. It’s the last straw. The technician claims he was subject to systemic racial … [Read more...] about Can racial discrimination be proven with circumstantial evidence alone?
Preparation is the key to a good ZOOM interview
By Lynne Curry bio Question: After unsuccessfully responding to job listings on LinkedIn and for five weeks, I finally received a request to interview. When I asked, “Where do I meet you?” I learned I’d be interviewed via Zoom. I’ve had bad experiences with Zoom. For some reason, they have my name misspelled; I’ve tried but haven’t been able to fix this. I can’t … [Read more...] about Preparation is the key to a good ZOOM interview
Class of 2019 is the most employed since the Great Recession
The Class of 2019 experienced the highest employment rate in the dozen years since the start of the Great Recession, according to the National Association for Law Placement, Inc. NALP has released its Employment for the Class of 2019 — Selected Findings, a synopsis of key findings from the upcoming annual Jobs & JDs: Employment and Salaries of New Law School Graduates. The … [Read more...] about Class of 2019 is the most employed since the Great Recession
Are employers responsible/liable for an employee’s home ergonomics, safety and expenses?
By Lynne Curry bio Question: COVID-19 has caused employers large and small to require the employers work from home rather than their employer’s worksites. Word has it that this may continue beyond weeks and months and become the new normal. What is my employer’s responsibility/liability for workplace ergonomics and safety when my home becomes my workplace? Do they need to … [Read more...] about Are employers responsible/liable for an employee’s home ergonomics, safety and expenses?