By Dr. Steve M. Cohen The old saying that “the grass is always greener” is actually a fairly accurate description of one aspect of human nature. And this trait almost certainly applies to members of your office. As other organizations grow and the need for professional staff increases, openings will be filled by stealing the best from offices. It’s frustrating, but it’s … [Read more...] about Don’t let another firm steal your staff
When it comes to workplace health strategies, is your firm a leader or a follower?
Most employers plan to change their long-term health strategies to evolve with the changing health landscape, yet a new Aon Hewitt survey shows there has been little effort over the past year to move in that direction. So what is most likely to drive the impetus for change? According to Aon Hewitt's survey of more than 1,000 companies, one of the biggest drivers is what other … [Read more...] about When it comes to workplace health strategies, is your firm a leader or a follower?
Orientation also keeps or loses that good hire
Orientation determines the success and retention of a new hire. It’s a necessary element, says employment law attorney and business advisor Katie Pratt of Berg Hill Greenleaf & Ruscitti in Denver. “It sets a foundation” of what the firm expects of the new employee and what the new employee can expect of the firm. It’s also legal protection, … [Read more...] about Orientation also keeps or loses that good hire
The importance of screening job applicants
Editor's picks: A telling way to interview job candidates Compliance and protection top employers' list of concerns in background screening trends survey Can you use Facebook to screen job applicants? … [Read more...] about The importance of screening job applicants
Being mean doesn’t make an office efficient
By Steve M. Cohen bio I recently saw some good management advice in The New York Times, of all places! The newspaper published a great article describing how there is "No Time to Be Nice at Work." I found this to be good reading for any manager. Author Christine Porath noted several significant concerns that are relevant today, including her findings that … [Read more...] about Being mean doesn’t make an office efficient
Here’s an easy way to make your performance reviews effective
Everybody knows employees need job feedback. Yet most employers don't provide enough of it. Neither do they provide the type of feedback that explains what people have to do to improve. If they are to be useful, employee reviews have to include certain elements. There have to be expectations the employee can understand, meetings to keep the employee on track, and an annual … [Read more...] about Here’s an easy way to make your performance reviews effective
Do you make this common but costly hiring interview mistake?
Do you focus on your job interviews on whether the candidate can do the job? If so, you're wasting your time. The purpose of an interview is not to evaluate hard skills or job experience or training. Anybody who makes it to the interview already meets the requirements. Look instead for the behaviors of the person. The interview is the time to find out the motivators, the … [Read more...] about Do you make this common but costly hiring interview mistake?
Don’t kill your professional prose with these 10 errors
Those who work in the legal industry generally communicate professionally, clearly, and correctly. But no one's perfect. How many of these errors have made their way into your written communications? 1. Lie v. lay. These get misused so much that when someone finally does get them right, it's noticeable. Lie = lie down to sleep. Lay = lay something down. People lie down and lie … [Read more...] about Don’t kill your professional prose with these 10 errors
What’s we’ve got here is failure to communicate
Editor's picks: Good communication speeds up the billing What's the most common breach of etiquette in your office? Are you ruining your employees' family dinners? … [Read more...] about What’s we’ve got here is failure to communicate
Complaint lines offer managers more than gripes
By Steve M. Cohen bio A client told me recently that that they eliminated their 800 number complaint line. When I asked why, they said, "All we got were complaints!" I disagreed. Whether they are from employees or clients, complaints are invaluable because the feedback provides an opportunity for examination. The protocol might be slightly different for a law … [Read more...] about Complaint lines offer managers more than gripes