When Audrey M. Serban gives her staff members rewards for work done well, she can be sure the reward is something the employee will like. That's because she has a list of 'Favorites' for each staffer, and chooses the gift, large or small, from that. Serban, office manager for Fisher & Phillips, LLP, in Murray Hill, NJ, says, "I thought I'd share an idea that seems to … [Read more...] about ‘Favorites’ list source of popular employee awards
What employee drug use is costing your practice
Workers with substance use disorders miss nearly 50 percent more days than their peers, and up to six weeks of work annually, according to analysis from the National Safety Council, NORC at the University of Chicago, and Shatterproof. Despite the alarming new statistics, there is a persistent gap between employer perceptions of impact and the actual human and business costs … [Read more...] about What employee drug use is costing your practice
A dozen bugaboo words to cogitate
Here are a dozen words that get mispronounced and misused so much that the wrong form can sound as good as the right one. Aesthetic. There's a th in the middle, so it's pronounced as-THE-tic. It's not as-TE-tic. Height. It doesn't have a th at the end. A box may have length, width, breadth, and depth, but it doesn't have heighth. It just has height. Asterisk. Keep the … [Read more...] about A dozen bugaboo words to cogitate
Biases and the use of flexible work arrangements in law firms
While the availability of flexible work arrangements has increased in law firms, new research released by The Diversity & Flexibility Alliance suggests that not all lawyers and staff are using the policies. The third annual Law Firm Flexibility Benchmarking Survey, recently released, examines the availability and usage of flexible work policies in large U.S. law firms. … [Read more...] about Biases and the use of flexible work arrangements in law firms
Why you need to draw the line on unethical behavior
By Dr. Steve M. Cohen Some of the most difficult office decisions come down to ethics, and some of the most difficult ethical decisions often seem mundane at first glance. Regardless, I recommend caution because the potential pitfalls are so serious. I have a client who hired someone away from a competitor. The first week on the job, this new hire produced "intelligence" … [Read more...] about Why you need to draw the line on unethical behavior
Why your latest management decision failed
When making significant decisions, have you noticed how difficult it is to come to a rational decision, even with a mastery of facts and employing logical thinking? Have you noticed that at every step of the process, there are players who push back, so that even the most obvious decisions become tortured? What's going on here? Did you ignore the social space? According to … [Read more...] about Why your latest management decision failed
The heat is on: Six in 10 employees report increased work stress
Are your employees having trouble "keeping calm and carrying on" at work? If so, they're in the majority. More than half (52 percent) of workers said they are stressed at work on a day-to-day basis, and 60 percent reported work-related pressure has increased in the last five years, according to a new survey by staffing firm Accountemps. Their concerns are not lost on … [Read more...] about The heat is on: Six in 10 employees report increased work stress
Accountability and your legal staff: The effects on your law practice
By Elizabeth M. Miller, MBA bio I am a great proponent of accountability for everyone in a law firm including myself and the attorneys. It is the method by which a law firm can measure that clients are receiving the best possible service from your firm. An accountable law firm starts with leaders who first hold themselves accountable. After all, we do have to lead by … [Read more...] about Accountability and your legal staff: The effects on your law practice
6 ways to keep or lose a good hire
Offices expend great effort finding the right hires. But what they too often fail to see is that the success of all new employees "is dependent on how the manager handles and treats them," says speaker and trainer Charlyne Meinhard of Next Level Consulting, a staff management consulting company in Richmond, VA. It's the little things a manager does "every single day" that … [Read more...] about 6 ways to keep or lose a good hire
Reward good employees by removing bad ones
By Steve M. Cohen bio I'm sure you've seen advice regarding employee bonuses and incentive systems, including some that are quite complex. The idea is that to achieve a high-performance workplace, you need to motivate employees and achieve maximum efficiency. None of this is wrong, but I often suggest another strategy that surprises a lot of people: get rid of the … [Read more...] about Reward good employees by removing bad ones