By Lynne Curry bio Question: COVID-19 hit our northern U.S. law practice hard. We cut employees, then salaries, and then we cut again. We lost half of our clients as their fortunes failed; other clients cut their work to the bone. Our revenue is down 70%. Some office staffers left our state when their spouses’ high-paying jobs evaporated. Others took off when COVID-19 … [Read more...] about Post-pandemic period a chance to try flexible staffing strategies
Managing the office
Checklist: How to evaluate an office space for a move
The past year of the pandemic has brought major changes in office space needs for law firms. Law professionals and administrative staff have been working from home and participating in remote meetings and court appearances. Some see the possibility of continuing to work remotely even after COVID-19 restrictions are loosened, and some see the possibility of moving to home and … [Read more...] about Checklist: How to evaluate an office space for a move
Technical issues and too many participants are biggest virtual meeting pet peeves
Have you had about enough of video meetings? If so, you're not alone. A new study by global staffing firm Robert Half shows video calls may be wearing on workers. Almost three-quarters of professionals surveyed (72 per cent) said they participate in virtual meetings. Those respondents reported spending about a quarter of their workday (24 per cent) on camera with business … [Read more...] about Technical issues and too many participants are biggest virtual meeting pet peeves
Renting out extra space? Set up protective walls to avoid risk
With more law firm employees working from home in the last few years, a firm may find itself living in too much space—and paying too much rent. One solution is to bring in a tenant. Usually the renter is a solo practitioner or a small firm, and the arrangement is good for everybody, because the firm collects the rent and the renter gets the amenities as well as the appearance … [Read more...] about Renting out extra space? Set up protective walls to avoid risk
Model visitors’ waiver of COVID-19 infection liability form
As long as COVID-19 remains a threat, you run the risk of being sued by clients, vendors, guests and other visitors (“visitors”) who claim they contracted the virus at your office as a result of your inadequate safety measures. One way to limit liability is having visitors sign a form agreeing to waive their rights to sue you for COVID-19 infections before entering the office. … [Read more...] about Model visitors’ waiver of COVID-19 infection liability form
Make the most of your time during coronavirus
By Elizabeth Miller bio I know this is not only a time of uncertainty but also fear as we try to make sense of this situation. It’s difficult to know what to do and what not to do. Conflicting stories and information seem overwhelming. And then there is your law practice to worry about. When all is said and done, your law practice needs to survive. Fortunately working … [Read more...] about Make the most of your time during coronavirus
Take advantage of case management software benefits
By Elizabeth Miller bio Case management software is now so popular in law firms that it is rare to hear of a firm that does not have it. The problem is that even though firms have the software, they don’t take advantage of all the benefits. Managing incoming leads and cases Give your law firm an advantage over other firms by providing potential clients with an exceptional … [Read more...] about Take advantage of case management software benefits
Feds say insurers not required to pay for employer return to work COVID-19 testing
Since the public health emergency began, the US government has taken the position that insurers shouldn’t be allowed to make consumers pay for COVID-19 lab tests. But now comes news that insurers will not be put in that same position with regard to return to work screening conducted on employees by their employers. FFCRA rules for COVID-19 test payment The key piece of … [Read more...] about Feds say insurers not required to pay for employer return to work COVID-19 testing
What employees and managers can do to protect each other
By Lynne Curry bio I’m scared. I don’t feel like my boss or coworkers are taking COVID-19 seriously. The medical professionals say we should be wiping down high-touch places. In our office, I’m the one who does it. So does that make me on the front line? Does my doing all this cleaning let everyone else feel safer so they don’t think they need to do anything? It would be fair … [Read more...] about What employees and managers can do to protect each other
Before you let your employees work remote
By Paul Edwards bio In light of growing concerns surrounding coronavirus, many businesses are wondering if they will be faced with a decision to send employees home and/or close their doors for a period of time. One popular idea to address these concerns is to offer remote work (or ‘telework’) options. If you don’t regularly have remote workers, this may not be something … [Read more...] about Before you let your employees work remote