Here are some typos that made their way past a proofreader. 1. Consequently, the government is not obligated to show that a physician intended to violate the statue. 2. On the menu: calm chowder. 3. Power outrage covering the town. We will reopen as soon as it comes back on. 4. There is no inflict of interest. 5. Ask these employees to sever as mentors to other … [Read more...] about Ten terrible typos
Managing staff
Electronic cigarettes: why your firm needs a “vaping” policy now
Your employment policies address cigarettes, and so you think you have the smoking issue covered. Well, think again. Electronic cigarettes have created new challenges for employers. Electronic cigarettes, also known as e-cigarettes, first became available in the United States in 2006 and have grown in popularity. Designed to look like cigarettes, they are battery-powered … [Read more...] about Electronic cigarettes: why your firm needs a “vaping” policy now
New Jersey manager turns time clocks and layoffs into staff benefits
As the saying goes, "you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar." And a manager in a large legal practice in New Jersey did just that to avert disaster in two situations. The first potential disaster was the addition of a time clock. The practice merged with another group, and with the merger came the decision that all staff should keep the same hours. Before … [Read more...] about New Jersey manager turns time clocks and layoffs into staff benefits
Is firing employees for medical marijuana discrimination?
All 7 of the courts that have confronted this issue in the past decade have ruled that employers can enforce zero tolerance drug policies to fire employees for lawful use of medical marijuana. Here’s the rundown: 2013: COLORADO (Federal Court) What Happened: Brewery employee with hepatitis C, fired after testing positive for marijuana, claims use was legal under … [Read more...] about Is firing employees for medical marijuana discrimination?
What state cannabis laws say about cannabis in the workplace
ALASKA: Nothing in law requires accommodating medical use of marijuana in place of employment [Title 17: Food and Drugs, Chapter 37. Medical Uses of Marijuana, Sec. 17.37.040(d)(1)]. ARIZONA: a. Unless failing to do so would cause an employer to lose a monetary or licensing benefit under federal law, employer may not discriminate against person in hiring, termination, … [Read more...] about What state cannabis laws say about cannabis in the workplace
Can your law office employees be fired for using legal medical marijuana?
Testing positive for cannabis is a ticket for termination under the kind of “zero tolerance” policy that has come to pervade the American workplace. But what if employees are medical cannabis patients? Situation Reggie Sturd, an employee of ABC Corporation, tests positive for marijuana. He denies using or being high at work and claims he has permission under the … [Read more...] about Can your law office employees be fired for using legal medical marijuana?
10 tested ways to make your staff meetings more interesting and productive
A staff meeting should be a productive event that fosters collaboration; however, that’s not always the case. These ten steps will help you plan a staff meeting that results in a positive and focused gathering of ideas. Say the word “meeting” and people tend to groan. In fact, according to a survey conducted by, which looks at where and how employees waste time, … [Read more...] about 10 tested ways to make your staff meetings more interesting and productive
Two quick tips from a cybersecurity expert
By John W. Simek bio 1. You are the product: default settings to “steal” your privacy data It amazes me that nobody seems to read the terms of service or the permission settings when installing software or configuring devices. In this day of instant gratification it seems as though the normal actions are click, click, click on the “I accept” button. That seems to be what … [Read more...] about Two quick tips from a cybersecurity expert
Avoid these 3 deadly age discrimination traps
Age discrimination has become today’s big employment law issue. And it’s because people live longer than in the recent past and also work longer. Some do it by choice; others have seen their retirement funds obliterated and are forced to continue working. It’s yet another danger spot managers need to watch. The older job applicants and employees have … [Read more...] about Avoid these 3 deadly age discrimination traps
Try this “win-win” solution to stop personal Internet use by staff
The manager of a Mississippi professional office relies on a basic management practice when she presents any new policy. “I make it a win-win situation,” says Beth C. Pharr. “I tell staff ‘this why it’s necessary, and this is how it benefits you.’” Such was the case when she set a policy to solve a problem common to almost every … [Read more...] about Try this “win-win” solution to stop personal Internet use by staff