By Steve M. Cohen bio Are some of your employees actually working against you? When it comes to the bigger picture of your job, your office or your business, the important question is simple: are you engaged? Is your staff engaged? Whether you are an owner, manager or beginning worker, the answers matters. A national management firm, the Gallagher Organization, has published … [Read more...] about The dangers of the disengaged staffer
Managing staff
6 easy ways to build staff morale and loyalty
It doesn't take a degree in management to build loyalty, morale and productivity in the office. It's the little things that make the biggest difference. Amazingly simple things that cost nothing, yet pay off in spades. 1 Hello and how are you? First is a tactic that's deceptively simple. It's nothing more than saying hello and making eye contact with staff you come … [Read more...] about 6 easy ways to build staff morale and loyalty
6 tips for successfully managing millennials
By Cheryl Toth, MBA bio The Millennial generation - Americans aged 18 – 37,1 is the largest generation in U.S. history. Yup, bigger than the Baby Boomers, and 86 million strong. Next year, they'll comprise 36% of the U.S. workforce, and by 2020, nearly half.2 I love working with this generation. I find them to be a diverse group of curious, collaborative, and fearless folks. … [Read more...] about 6 tips for successfully managing millennials
Employee conflict: When fighters and flighters face-off
By Steve Cohen bio It's solid management to address the internal climate of your business. I have no doubt you are aware of this and have put time and effort into team building, empowering and creating a positive climate for your staff. It's important to you, and it's important to your staff. So, why are people fighting on occasion or even more frequently? … [Read more...] about Employee conflict: When fighters and flighters face-off
Forget Ebola—Here’s what you should be worrying about
With the country's attention recently focused on the Ebola virus, many Americans likely overlooked the fact that flu season is well underway. And while it is impossible to predict how this flu season will compare to previous years, one thing is certain: Employers nationwide are likely to see millions of lost work days and billions of dollars in lost productivity. While the … [Read more...] about Forget Ebola—Here’s what you should be worrying about
How to make 2018 the year you improve value, cut costs, and increase profits
Are you prepared to handle the competition of 2016? Do you know who's elbowing in on your firm's share of the legal market? Are your firm's partners even aware that there's a risk? Ron Friedmann, a consultant with the legal industry-focused management consulting firm Fireman & Company, has spent over two decades improving law practice and legal business operations with … [Read more...] about How to make 2018 the year you improve value, cut costs, and increase profits
What every employee handbook absolutely, positively, must cover
No matter how small your firm may be, it needs an office manual. A manual is the authoritative source that explains what's expected of everybody. It's the firm's philosophy, and it's the rules and guidelines people have to follow. It is protection against employment law claims. And legalities aside, it prevents misunderstandings and hard feelings. Don't assume people … [Read more...] about What every employee handbook absolutely, positively, must cover
Paid time-off gives unquestioned days off plus a bank for catastrophes
The standard days-off policy has two downfalls, says the office manager of a professional office in North Carolina. One is that it isn't fair, because some people abuse the sick leave and turn it into extra vacation days. The other is that keeping track of how long each person has been out and for what is a nightmare. So the office manager moved to a paid time-off policy … [Read more...] about Paid time-off gives unquestioned days off plus a bank for catastrophes
Even law offices should think twice before going to court
By Steve M. Cohen bio One of the most difficult challenges I face can be helping office managers and owners or partners resist an urge to "fight it out" in court. There are times when it is necessary to take legal action or aggressively defend action against your organization. But in most cases, it should be your last resort. You may not win the fight … [Read more...] about Even law offices should think twice before going to court
Commonly misspelled words
We all have words that trip us up no matter how often we've spelled them. When you're asked to proofread or prepare documentation, know which words you have a problem with and always keep a current dictionary in book form or online) handy. It might be helpful to print off this list and post it above your desk for a quick reference. their … [Read more...] about Commonly misspelled words