Does your firm use document automation tools? If not, you’re not alone. According to a survey conducted in 2013 by the International Legal Technology Association, a whopping 62% of law firms surveyed reported not using a document automation system. But when you think about how much time your team spends assembling variations of the same documents every day, automating the … [Read more...] about How document automation can save you thousands
Seven guides for a safe and somewhat pleasant firing
Firing is the most dangerous action a manager ever takes. "Yet almost everybody does it poorly," says Joseph Godwin, a management consultant with F&H Solutions Group, a human resources consulting firm in Asheville, NC. Any fired employee is depressed and fearful of the future—and not averse to calling an attorney. Every manager needs to know how to fire without asking … [Read more...] about Seven guides for a safe and somewhat pleasant firing
When employees behave stupidly outside of work
By Steve M. Cohen bio I often end up addressing some of the sadder aspects of human behavior in and around the workplace. I have frequently been called by clients to help deal with issues such as sexual harassment and bullying, an employee who uses the n-word at work and someone who gets so drunk after work that they become incredibly obnoxious in public. In all of … [Read more...] about When employees behave stupidly outside of work
Why your law firm needs a wellness program and how you can build one that works
By David C. Fortosis bio As a nation, Americans enjoy some of the best healthcare in the world. In fact, many of the advances and techniques in the treatment of complex medical conditions were tested and refined in our country. However, we are also arguably the unhealthiest country in the world: Six in 10 Americans are either overweight or obese. And this one … [Read more...] about Why your law firm needs a wellness program and how you can build one that works
Complaint lines offer managers more than gripes
By Steve M. Cohen bio A client told me recently that that they eliminated their 800 number complaint line. When I asked why, they said, "All we got were complaints!" I disagreed. Whether they are from employees or clients, complaints are invaluable because the feedback provides an opportunity for examination. The protocol might be slightly different for a law … [Read more...] about Complaint lines offer managers more than gripes
Compliance and protection top employers’ list of concerns in background screening trends survey
Employers say the single most important employment screening-related challenge they face in 2015 is compliance with ever-changing laws, and the primary reason they conduct background checks is to protect their clients and customers. These are just two of dozens of findings in a recently released report, "Employment Screening 2015: Background Screening Trends & Practices," … [Read more...] about Compliance and protection top employers’ list of concerns in background screening trends survey
When a transgender employee comes out at work, how will you respond?
By Steve M. Cohen bio I have worked closely with two organizations: The Transgender Institute (TTI) and the Gender Policy Associates (GPA). TTI is an organization that provides therapy, consultation and coaching to transgender people. This is a population that is much misunderstood. In schools they are subject to extensive bullying; at work, they are often … [Read more...] about When a transgender employee comes out at work, how will you respond?
Model Policy: Jewelry and tattoos
Why you need this policy: This model jewelry and tattoos policy establishes guidelines for staff wearing jewelry or displaying tattoos. How this policy helps you: This policy recognizes the value of personal self-expression and establishes parameters for when personal appearance enhanced by jewelry or tattoos exceeds appropriate and reasonable workplace limits. How to use … [Read more...] about Model Policy: Jewelry and tattoos
Tattoos and piercings: what’s your policy?
If ink and body jewelry seem more prevalent than they once were, it's not your imagination. Tattoos and piercings have become commonplace, especially among people of a certain age. Consider these numbers from Statistics Brain, a website that aggregates research data. Taking into account all age groups, 23 percent of American women and 19 percent of American men have one or … [Read more...] about Tattoos and piercings: what’s your policy?
EEOC proposes rules for employer wellness programs to avoid potential discrimination
As the focus on quality and value intensifies, wellness programs will no doubt play an integral role in the health care system. The 2014 Employer Health Benefits Survey from the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation reports that "[v]irtually all large employers (200 or more workers) and most smaller employers offer at least one wellness program." Furthermore, the survey indicates … [Read more...] about EEOC proposes rules for employer wellness programs to avoid potential discrimination