Any complaint from a staffer about a boss is unpleasant to address. But when the alleged culprit is a partner, the situation can get grim. Confronting the partner could put the administrator in a job-threatening position. "It's a touchy situation," says Linnda Durre, PhD, a business consultant and corporate trainer in Winter Park, FL. Durre is also author of Surviving the … [Read more...] about Psychology to use when presenting a staff complaint to a partner
Six easy ways to open the door to a malpractice claim
Answering a malpractice claim is a wretched experience that worsens as it goes along, because once a client files a malpractice claim, “there’s a high possibility that an ethical grievance will come from the same incident,” says Nancy Byerly Jones, a management consultant who focuses on preventive management, mediation, and dispute resolution. … [Read more...] about Six easy ways to open the door to a malpractice claim
Sexual harassment in the workplace: how your practice’s policy can make a difference
Employees are more likely to report sexual harassment they witness at work when there is a zero-tolerance policy in place, according to a new study conducted by Florida International University (FIU). The study's findings show that companies where zero-tolerance policies are a top-priority are particularly effective in increasing the reporting of the most common forms of … [Read more...] about Sexual harassment in the workplace: how your practice’s policy can make a difference
When an employee has body odor
Q: I don't know how to say this delicately, so I'll get right to the point. A staffer at our practice has terrible body odor. Her B.O. is so bad that several other staffers have approached me, saying they don't want to work with her. Also, they have asked me to do something about the situation. I'm usually good at counseling employees, but this particular problem has me … [Read more...] about When an employee has body odor
Is ACA employer reporting still required for 2017 tax year? Are you sure?
Ever since it was signed into law in 2010, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has been the subject of much concern—and confusion—for employers. This past year has been no exception, due to a handful of attempts by GOP lawmakers to overhaul the controversial legislation. At this time, however, the ACA remains the law of the land, and employers must prepare and report in January … [Read more...] about Is ACA employer reporting still required for 2017 tax year? Are you sure?
Why do some get away with sexual harassment?
By Lynne Curry bio Harvey Weinstein. Bill Cosby. Roger Ailes. Bill O'Reilly. Uber executives. And maybe someone you know. How can these men not "get it?" How do they get away with sexually harassing those who work for them? And if you're a practice administrator or HR officer, how do you protect your company, and your and your company's reputation? First, these … [Read more...] about Why do some get away with sexual harassment?
How to protect your client data while complying with PCI anti-fraud measures
What would you do if you were asked to install monitoring software on your network? Gary Allen Gardner of Rosi & Gardner, P.C. in Traverse City, Michigan, shares how he resolved a recent troubling request his firm received. We were contacted by our credit card processing company, regarding "PCI Compliance" (Payment Card Industry). By email and subsequent list of … [Read more...] about How to protect your client data while complying with PCI anti-fraud measures
Employment Law Update: The Weinstein Edition
By Mike O'Brien bio Harvey Weinstein all over our news feeds Your news feed, like mine, has exploded with references to someone named Harvey Weinstein for the past few weeks. What's up? Weinstein is a well-known American film producer and former film studio executive. He and his brother co-founded Miramax, which produced several popular independent films. Several … [Read more...] about Employment Law Update: The Weinstein Edition
Defuzzifying dangerous company cultures
By Rex Conner bio Google's recent events have called into question its company culture, and the cultures of others in Silicon Valley. The questions swirling around the company culture will continue long after the current situation is resolved. With that news and other high-profile company cultures in the spotlight, it's strange that no one is talking about the roots … [Read more...] about Defuzzifying dangerous company cultures
What to do when an opioid crisis hits your law firm
By Lynne Curry bio The first time you saw "Bill" appear to nod off during a staff meeting, you pulled him aside after the meeting. When you asked if he was okay, he said he was. You gave him the benefit of the doubt because he'd worked for you for three years and been a good employee. You knew he'd recently gone through a divorce and thought maybe he'd had a hard … [Read more...] about What to do when an opioid crisis hits your law firm