By Doug Striker bio When you hear the words "artificial intelligence," you likely think of a TV robot that has learned its owners' food preferences, schedules, musical tastes and even moods. (Where is Rosie the Robot when you need her?!) But in real life, artificial intelligence often looks and smells like normal technology. The difference is that today's AI … [Read more...] about Artificial intelligence for litigators: No robots, just smart document assistance
Want to improve attorney tech use? Start by breaking down silos in your firm
By Michelle Spencer bio I have long wondered why there are two different teams in law firms doing similar functions. I am referring to the professional development and technology training teams. Both of the teams perform learning and development functions, and yet they are usually in two different departments that work alone, except in rare instances. They … [Read more...] about Want to improve attorney tech use? Start by breaking down silos in your firm
How to protect your client data while complying with PCI anti-fraud measures
What would you do if you were asked to install monitoring software on your network? Gary Allen Gardner of Rosi & Gardner, P.C. in Traverse City, Michigan, shares how he resolved a recent troubling request his firm received. We were contacted by our credit card processing company, regarding "PCI Compliance" (Payment Card Industry). By email and subsequent list of … [Read more...] about How to protect your client data while complying with PCI anti-fraud measures
How secure is your password? Are you sure?
Think your password is secure? You may need to think again. People's perceptions of password strength may not always match reality, says a recent study by CyLab, Carnegie Mellon's Security and Privacy Institute. For example, study participants expected ieatkale88 to be roughly as secure as iloveyou88; one said "both are a combination of dictionary words and are appended by … [Read more...] about How secure is your password? Are you sure?
A dozen cybersecurity tips for mobile device users
The vast majority of Americans—95%—now owns a cellphone of some kind, and the percentage of Americans with smartphones has risen to 77%. Navigating the waters of security in the wake of this expansive usage of mobile devices presents serious challenges for families and businesses alike. In recognition of National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, the Illinois Bankers Association, … [Read more...] about A dozen cybersecurity tips for mobile device users
San Diego firm gets more cash faster with easy-to-use online credit card payment system
It can be pretty daunting to introduce a new feature on your website, especially one that involves financial transactions. But when it came time to update the website for San Diego law firm Marks, Finch, Thornton & Baird, LLP, and start offering clients the ability to pay their bills online, the only thing that really caught firm administrator Linda Quindt off-guard was how … [Read more...] about San Diego firm gets more cash faster with easy-to-use online credit card payment system
Is a false sense of confidence among your employees exposing your practice to costly phishing emails?
Intermedia, a cloud business applications provider, has released Part 1 of its 2017 Data Vulnerability Report, which examines the security behavioral habits of more than 1,000 office workers in the United States. Your employees are unknowingly granting hackers access Despite organizations educating employees about cyber threats and security best practices, office workers … [Read more...] about Is a false sense of confidence among your employees exposing your practice to costly phishing emails?
Should you ‘Friend’ your co-workers on social media?
Do you "like" the idea of office friendships crossing over into social media? More than seven in 10 professionals (71 percent) polled by staffing firm OfficeTeam said it's appropriate to connect with colleagues on Facebook. Slightly fewer feel it's OK to follow co-workers on Twitter (61 percent), Instagram (56 percent) and Snapchat (44 percent). In contrast, less than half of … [Read more...] about Should you ‘Friend’ your co-workers on social media?
How your firm’s telecommuting policies affect your recruiting strategy
If you're rethinking your firm's telecommuting policies, hold on. There is a trend among some larger companies of bringing remote workers back into corporate offices, but candidates still expect work from home options, says new data from the MRINetwork 2017 Recruiter Sentiment Study. And while your intent may be to increase collaboration, creativity, mentoring, and innovation, … [Read more...] about How your firm’s telecommuting policies affect your recruiting strategy
Busting 7 common information security myths
Commonly held myths about information security can lead to a potential data breach and ultimately have a big impact on a company's bottom line and reputation. However, these breaches can be avoided when businesses provide their employees with the right training and tools to separate fact from fiction and responsibly manage confidential information. A recent study shows that 23 … [Read more...] about Busting 7 common information security myths