By Lynne Curry bio Question: COVID-19 has caused employers large and small to require the employers work from home rather than their employer’s worksites. Word has it that this may continue beyond weeks and months and become the new normal. What is my employer’s responsibility/liability for workplace ergonomics and safety when my home becomes my workplace? Do they need to … [Read more...] about Are employers responsible/liable for an employee’s home ergonomics, safety and expenses?
Employees worse than hackers for putting firms at risk
By Jay Stromberg bio A recent study shows that cybersecurity breaches aren’t caused by issues with your firm’s hardware or software; it’s your people. But, come on, I’ve been saying this for years. Still, it’s nice to have (yet another) study to prove my point. In this case, SolarWinds reported that human error is by far the leading case of security breaches. I mean, … [Read more...] about Employees worse than hackers for putting firms at risk
How to implement remote learning in your law office
By Doug Striker bio I keep hearing from my IT and trainer friends at law firms, who tell me that their attorneys are really digging this work-from-home change. Of course, this shift also demands that attorneys work more independently, which is pushing their (often lax) tech skills to the limits. Enter remote training and learning Remote training gives your law firm the power … [Read more...] about How to implement remote learning in your law office
Take advantage of case management software benefits
By Elizabeth Miller bio Case management software is now so popular in law firms that it is rare to hear of a firm that does not have it. The problem is that even though firms have the software, they don’t take advantage of all the benefits. Managing incoming leads and cases Give your law firm an advantage over other firms by providing potential clients with an exceptional … [Read more...] about Take advantage of case management software benefits
Is COVID-19 ringing the death knell for on-premises servers?
By Doug Striker bio Back in the bucolic day of early January 2020, Aderant published an article predicting that more law firms would begin moving out of their on-premises servers to the cloud. Man, I wish we knew how many firms did that in March and April 2020 alone! When COVID-19 hit and we were all forced, en masse, to exit the building and head home, many firms left their … [Read more...] about Is COVID-19 ringing the death knell for on-premises servers?
Silver linings for legal industry in COVID-19 crisis
By Doug Striker bio It would be tragic if nothing good came out of this worldwide pandemic. Yes, it is easy to focus on the terrible, awful things that are happening on a global scale and even in our own neighborhoods and families. But at the same time, we simply must also recognize that good things are developing out of this tragic, exceedingly difficult experience. I … [Read more...] about Silver linings for legal industry in COVID-19 crisis
Before you let your employees work remote
By Paul Edwards bio In light of growing concerns surrounding coronavirus, many businesses are wondering if they will be faced with a decision to send employees home and/or close their doors for a period of time. One popular idea to address these concerns is to offer remote work (or ‘telework’) options. If you don’t regularly have remote workers, this may not be something … [Read more...] about Before you let your employees work remote
Proof of tech skills: Everybody’s doing it!
By Jay Stromberg bio When it comes to professional upward mobility, it’s looking like assessments are where it’s at. According to a recent article in, even LinkedIn is getting into the assessment game. “LinkedIn, the social networking service for the working world, is today taking the wraps off its latest effort to provide its users with better tools for … [Read more...] about Proof of tech skills: Everybody’s doing it!
5 benefits of rules-based calendaring software
1. Use of automated rules-based calendaring software may entitle your firm to discounts for malpractice insurance coverage. Talk to your provider; 2. Automated rules-based systems reduce human errors; 3. The software adjusts for local court rules and holidays; 4. Some programs come with predetermined reminder dates for different types of entries. When the calendar date is … [Read more...] about 5 benefits of rules-based calendaring software
10 ways to spot a phishing email
By Jay Stromberg bio There is no such thing as a 100% fool-proof security system that can protect your law firm from phishing emails. And that's pretty alarming because phishing is now one of the top ways that criminals infiltrate companies with malware and ransomware. These schemes are developed by cybercriminals to steal your firm's sensitive information or to … [Read more...] about 10 ways to spot a phishing email